AWC is committed to good corporate governance benefiting all stakeholders through the company’s effective operations and sustainability.

With a vision to be a real estate business that delivers continuous sustainable growth and development, AWC has developed a Good Corporate Governance Policy in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Corporate Governance Code (“CG Code”). AWC’s policy serves as an operational guideline and standard for committees, executives and employees who must be in strict compliance ensuring they operate effectively, transparently, and with accountability. This will increase the company’s competitiveness and improve its long-term business performance. The company is focused on its responsibility to responsibilities and providing benefits to shareholders and the public for building credibility and confidence towards the company as well as creating value for the company, society, and the environment with sustainable goals.

การกำกับดูแลกิจการของบริษัท ในรอบปี 2566 - 2567

Corporate Governance Policy

The Board of Directors has approved the Good Corporate Governance Policy to be used as a guideline for business operations and to be the benchmark for all directors, executives and employees abiding as a guideline in performing their duties strictly. The Corporate Governance Policy has been established in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code or "CG Code" of the SEC and the SET by striving to adopt the principles of good corporate governance in the operation of the Company.

In this regard, the Board of Directors has appointed the Corporate Governance Committee to regulate and oversee all the regulating work in relation to corporate governance including follow-up, re-examination, and modification of the policy to be appropriate to the situation and in accordance with the CG Code by implementing the CG Code to regulate the business operations to yield the results as follows:

  1. To be able to be competitive and to achieve good business performance results by while also taking the long term effects into consideration.
  2. To build credibility with shareholders and the public.
  3. To do the business ethically, while being respectful towards others peoples’ rights and being responsible to shareholders and stakeholders.
  4. To create a transparent and accountable Board of Directors
  5. To provide benefits to the society and the environment.